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Getting Real About Your Health In The New Year

Have you ever heard that famous quote “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” by Albert Einstein?

This year as you set your health-related New Year goals and intentions, I challenge you to try a different approach.

What if you set yourself up for SUCCESS rather than failure in 2020?

Ever wonder why New Year’s resolutions don't last for most people?

My guess is that everyone gets gung-ho about hitting the gym and dieting, only to fall off track a week or two later.


I am a huge fan of making lists to achieve my short and long term goals.

However, I have learned over time that to create healthy habits and make lasting changes, it's more effective to start with 1 or 2 goals (rather than 5 or 6!).

It's time to quit those crazy hard work-outs, fad diets, and the desire for a quick fix or some "miracle" powder to turn to!

Remember that healthy dose of realism I mentioned earlier?

Change is HARD!

The good news is you don't have to do it alone.

This is where I come in.

I will be MORE than your health coach. I will be your accountability partner and your biggest fan. I will empower and motivate you.

I know you can do it because I did. I have been there.

I completely grew up on the Standard American diet (SAD). Common dinner staples in my household were Gordon's frozen fish, Kraft macaroni and cheese, and Sloppy Joe's (out of a can) with Wonder bread buns. Raise your hand if you've been there!

I had no idea about eating right until I was in my 30's!

I was exercising 4-5 days a week, and I wanted my workouts to match my lifestyle. This is when food came into play for me even more, and I started educating myself. The more I learned, the more excited and involved I got about how I was fueling my body.

I want to be apart of your journey every step of the way.

There will be good days, bad days, more energy, less energy, successes, and failures!

I will be there as you navigate through cycles of emotional eating, food cravings, or late night binges.

This is all REAL. Most people have experienced one, if not all, of these things at some point.


I genuinely care about the health and well-being of all my clients, and I want everyone to create a healthy lifestyle that they can sustain.

Let’s work together to create an easy plan to eat less processed junk and more nutritious whole foods.

I want to share Primal approved healthy options for carbs, fats, fiber, and protein, all while creating quick, simple recipes you and your family are sure to enjoy!

If you like to cook we will discuss how to create a weekly meal plan, including tips on smart grocery shopping and food prep. Or maybe you love to cook, but just don’t have time? There are lots of options here for you, too!

If you don't know how to cook, or simply don't like it, I will help you learn to make better food choices on-the-go and when eating out.

I want you to know that I'VE GOT YOU!

Let's connect!

Sign up for a free 15 minute discovery call with me today, so we can begin the process of creating a program that fits your needs.

You can visit my website @ and also follow me on Instagram @ youniversalwellbeing

All the best,


P.S. You'll receive three FREE recipes by signing up :)

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